Literacy for early years

Precision Teaching Probe Sheet and Fluency Building Record Sheet
These can be used for the Precision Teaching intervention. These look nice and are not clumsy (I designed these because I felt the other ones needed to be improved).

Speed Sounds - Set 2 - Group 1 - Phonics - FREE
For the whole of Set 2, visit here:
Comes as two file types (PDF and Publisher).

Speed Sounds - Set 3 - Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
25+ worksheets over 5 sections. These follow the Read Write Inc learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme. As a stand-alone resource, they are excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and give them the chance to practise blending words.

Speed Sounds - Set 2 - Digraphs & Trigraphs - Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
20+ worksheets over 4 sections. These follow the Read Write Inc learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme. As a stand-alone resource, they are excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and the chance to practise blending words.
This is the fidget spinner version, but you can set a timer instead if you don’t own a fidget spinner!

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds - Early Phonics - Worksheets - Read Write Inc
29 worksheets over 6 sections. These follow the Read Write Inc learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme. As a stand-alone resource, they are also excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and practise blending CVC words.

Initial Sounds - Speed Sounds Set 1 & 2 Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
Speed Sounds Set 1 & 2 in the order Read Write Inc use. These worksheets are designed to allow children to engage with the graphemes and practise using them in a thorough fashion.
This bundle contains around 50 worksheets.

Guided Reading/Spelling/Word Building Activities for Lower Abilities or Younger Children
9 worksheets/activities designed to be used independently by children of lower abilities. Can be used for younger children too.

Speed Sounds - Set 1, 2, 3 - Phonics Worksheets - Read Write Inc
70+ worksheets over 15 sections (each section focuses on four/five graphemes/phonemes). These follow the Read Write Inc grapheme/phoneme learning order so they are a great way to provide additional activities that compliment the Read Write Inc learning scheme.
As a stand-alone resource, they are excellent for SEN children or children that need extra opportunities to interact with letters and their sounds. These worksheets help the children to engage with each phoneme and give them the chance to practise blending words.